Lost or deleted files

I’ve lost all my files; is there any way you can help?

From The Crafty Witches

Yes! OK couple of questions; Do you still have access to your original email address, or if you don’t, can you remember what it was?

If you still have access to the email address you bought from, drop us a line explaining the situation you are in and let our team investigate our database.

If you don’t have access to the original email address, but remember what it is, drop us a line with the new address, and let us know your full name and postal address, and we’ll investigate.

 It might take a wee while, but we will get you conjuring spells again soon.

From HobbyMaker

Everything you have bought from HobbyMaker since May ’23 is hosted, and downloadable from their website. Just head to ‘My Account’ then ‘Orders’ ( see our help video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf_xQqmM1Vw )

Any purchased made from them before May ’23, take a screen shot of the orders, ensuring it shows the order number, and the products involved, (if there are more than one, send as many photos as it takes). Where applicable we will verify with HobbyMaker, and will organise WeTransfer links for you to replace your order.