About Us

About Us

wearethecraftywitches.co.uk is directly associated with thecraftywitches.co.uk. the #wearethecraftywitches and @wearethecraftywitches are the Social Media tags and handles for The Crafty Witches online.

Who are The Crafty Witches

The Crafty Witches is a concept conceived by digital designer Rebecca Seddon and inspirational crafting expert Lynda Chapman.

Both ladies have well known backgrounds within the crafting industry, and after Lynda's retirement in mid 2022, she was approached by Becky to collaborate on a business project. Lynda conjured up the concept of digital download kits, which are more convenient for the user, than storing physical paper kits, and can be produced more affordably, perfect for the consumer. This also allows for a much wider subject base than printed products alone, with the business convenience of no storage or logistical costs.

As The Crafty Witches brand grew in popularity, the pair approached HobbyMaker to widen their customer base, and in partnership with them, the exclusive 8x8 paper pads were conceived, enhanced by A4 digital downloads, available only from their platform.

Similarly, the pair were approached by a paper wholesaler, to which Lynda, who previously was known for bringing a quality paper and card product to the customer at an affordable price, agreed to bring their high quality products to the marketplace as Lynda Chapman's Paper Emporium.

Lynda also renewed her previous partnership with the Pollyanna Pickering franchise, and together with the late Pollyanna's Daughter, Anna-Louise Pickering, has brought more of Pollyanna's incredible artwork to the crafting community.

More recently, the Witches have been delighted to welcome another top artist to the Coven, Louise Nisbet's artwork is now proudly featured in The Crafty Witches portfolio, and we look forward to offering more of her work as time progresses.

Similarly, as of December '23, Lynda has renewed her collaboration with Kevin Wood Designs, an artist who work will be familiar to many High Street visitors, and we will be offering more of his work going forward too.

2024 has seen the brand add another exciting new product range, and indeed a different crafty direction for the Witches. In association with television retailer Sewing Street the fabric brand was introduced, initially with a couple of beautiful collections previously featured in digital download format, and progressing in the May launch which features Louise Nisbet's artwork. 

The TV faces of The Crafty Witches, other than Lynda herself, includes popular paper-craft & mixed media, and fabric demonstrator, Hels Sheridan. Between them the three ladies are affectionately known as Hubble Bubble, (Hels), Toil, (Becky), and Trouble, (Lynda). More recently they have been joined by a Crafty Warlock who has joined them on-screen from the creative team. Ian Davies already has a Social Media presence, with his brand Arthur Williams Crafts, and is make several appearances already on HobbyMaker. And, with the support of the team, you have the Coven we call The Crafty Witches

..... oh and the story continues as you read......... #theressomethingbrewing



Who is the site for?

This site is designed specifically for the customers and users of any of the products of The Crafty Witches, whether they be physical paper pads, digital paper kits and collections, SVG cutting files, or digital stamping. 

What is the site for?

The information contained within the pages of this website, and the links they lead to, are designed as tutorials in plain speak to guide the user through the process of downloading, decompressing and print/cut/colour the products within. 

There is also a plethora of techniques, ideas, concepts... really just a smorgasbord of inspiration for crafters to get lost in the doing in their crafty spaces.

Although the documentation, videos, and items featured in this site are branded The Crafty Witches, many of the techniques and tutorial content, may be applied to other crafty brands, or may enhance users technical abilities in general.

We do suggest that the advice and suggestions featured within the pages are simply that, and at no point does the brand, the author(s) or the web domain operators purport to be the final word on any subject discussed within. No responsibility to any loss or damage to any product, devices or data can be attributed to any of the suggestions on this site and to the link(s) held within.