Large file downloading

The Download

Pollyanna Pickering Collections, are quite frankly, HUGE! For those who are technically minded, they are over 4GB download, which equates to approximately 6 CD Roms in size.

With that in mind, remember when downloading this whopping great chunk of crafty goodness, it is going to take a little time to download, so we will need to be a little patient with our respective devices. Approximate time will depend on your connection speed, time of day, other users on your network and whether over LAN cable connection or Wi-Fi.

Approximate times may be 5-10 minutes on a Fibre Optic Broadband with a LAN cable connection, to upwards of an hour plus on a slow connection over Wi-Fi.

Please try not to have any other users using streaming services like Netflix or Amazon Prime etc, or playing heavy resource online games console co-operative games, as these will slow down your download time.

This is precautionary as a loss of connection during download, ‘may’ result in corrupted files.

Using Microsoft Windows [XP onwards]

Once you have downloaded your file you will find it in the ‘Downloads’ folder unless you have changed the default location.

Right-click the file and ‘Extract-all’, give it a little time, remember this is like recoding a couple of blockbuster movies!

This amazing download has a lovely interface designed specifically to work with your Laptop/PC. Once the file is extracted, open the resulting folder and locate the ‘Autorun.exe’ file, clearly identified as a ‘Disc’ icon.

Do not panic if you get a pop-up message saying, ‘Windows protected your PC’, your computer is warning that the ‘program’ isn’t certified by Microsoft, it is safe to continue. Click the ‘More info’ link, and from the resulting buttons, click the ‘Run anyway’ option.

Now you have access to the interface, and after the initial splash screen with the image of Pollyanna Pickering herself, you can access her beautiful artwork by clicking the ‘Click here..’ button

Using other OS’s [Mac, iOS, Android, Chrome]

Mobile Devices – We strongly advise using a Windows PC or Mac for this title, simply due to the size of the download. Many phones and tablets tend to have smaller memory storage capacities, so storing this size of files may affect the performance of your device. If you do decide to continue with using your device to download, ensure you have sufficient capacity to complete the operation, otherwise your device may refuse the download, or again perform poorly.

You may wish to consider downloading on Windows, Mac or Chromebook, then transferring the contents of the ‘Docs’ folder to a storage stick/card and accessing it that way, on your device. Please refer to your device manual for further information on this.

Mac & Chromebook – Download as you normally would, and extract as usual, further information on these platforms are available in our ‘How To’ library. Please remember your operating system is not designed to handle the Autorun interface. You should access the ‘Autoplay’ folder then the ‘Docs’ folder to access the beautiful printable pages. 

All users should always check their available storage before downloading to ensure your device has sufficient space to accommodate. Further information, if required, can be found here . Please direct any queries to, and we will endeavour to resolve your issue as soon as we can