Third Party Security app issues

*''Couldn't Download - Virus Scan failed''

Every time I try to download my purchase I get this annoying message, and it won't download?

Now as Ned Flanders of The Simpsons would say

''.....Ooh! Now this doodley is a dilly of a pickle''

Why, what does this mean?

As discussed on the previous section, there may be a simple process to fix this one; simply go to the Security settings;

Win 10 : Windows icon - Settings (gear) - Update & Security - Windows Security

Win 11 : Windows icon - Settings (gear) - Privacy & Security - Windows Security

*The next part will depend on the Third Party Anti-virus software you have installed. Basically what you are looking for is the 'Turn off/Pause Anti-Virus'


Once the program is off retry the download and see if you are successful

I'm still getting the same message, so it can't be that

Actually... no; it isn't quite as easy as that, but before we go further *try using a different Internet Browser, it might not cure the issue but if the problem is occurring with one browser, the most cost efficient, (free), way to try and resolve is using another browser. 

Here let's see if we can demonstrate to you what the anti-virus actually looks like;

Yes, it's a flowering plant, but bear with please...

One of these places is a mysterious and wonderous, ( and very confusing ) place called Windows Registry.

I'm losing the will, and don't understand?

In absolute fairness the vast number of people who use computers don't know, don't need to know, and certainly don't want to know either BUT..

..OK if you must

Just for those who have a technical interest then...deep inside the operating system that is Windows, there is a skeleton that the platform relies on basically propping it up called the registry. This registry is as close to bare computer software as you as a general user will see, as it doesn't rely on yes or no, rather than '0' and '1' entries. OK, if you haven't given up yet, the anti-virus roots has changed one of these zero's to a one or vice versa, or worse to something else. This means that when Windows tries to go back to it's registry to find out what to do next, it is faced with an illogical code, so therefor cannot complete the task, in this case the virus scan on the file you are trying to download, hence the error code. 

...and hey presto the solution is??

Whoah.. hang on; if you have been confused by that, you will respectfully understand that it is absolutely not advisable for anyone else without the correct level of knowledge to attempt to fix this; (even semi-techy people would only tackle this with some trepidation, as it can have irreparable effects when you get it wrong) 


*You may wish to try the following but, ONLY IF YOU HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE


Consider reinstalling Windows, which is a simple, though time consuming process, again ONLY following the instructions on the Microsoft website.

More info please?

Your best friend on a daily basis to solve arguments, understand data, basically to 'find out' these days is Google, (other search engines available).

*Type in 'Couldn't download Virus scan failed', and you'll see, although rare, this has happened to others. As ALWAYS be careful what you read and believe, and try to stick to the trusted sites such as Microsoft's own community for reference and advice, after all Microsoft's own community moderators are on these threads and will generally correct any misinformation.

*Under NO circumstances should the user try any of the above suggestions if you are unsure of what you are doing. Incorrect application of advice supplied here or on any other platform may result in irreversible damage to your computer software and possible deletion of data

The Crafty Witches, and their associates accept no responsibility for any damage to, or loss of data or equipment due to any individuals actions based on, or leading from action taken relating to any part of this document; or, any information gathered from external sources elsewhere on the internet. This element of our website is simply posted to advise user(s) of a potential issue that may arise after installing, uninstalling or adapting software programs added to Windows,and not designed as a fix, or solution. As such, this feature is offered as an educational supplement to enhance the user(s) understanding of the operating platform and programs installed upon it. If further clarification is required please email