SVG's & the Silhouette

SVG’s & the Silhouette Cameo


How to use your SVG’s with the Silhouette


Use my Crafty Witches SVG’s with my Cameo

Natively the PC software you use for your Silhouette uses it own format ‘.studio’ files and therefore cannot support the use of SVG files, so in order to use them with your Cameo, you need upgraded software


‘Silhouette Studio Designer Edition’ is the desired program you need to download and install to enable use of SVG files. You can buy the user licence from the Silhouette America storefront more details can be found here -


Once installed your software will accept the use of SVG format files. To open the files from your Crafty Witches download you need to open the Designer software; select ‘File’ then ‘Open’ then navigate to your unzipped download, then ‘Auoplay’, ‘Docs’, then open the svg folder, ultimately opening the SVG files into the software itself


Please see the diagram below for an insight to the steps you will take;

Once you have opened the file you can send it to your Cameo to cut as normal