Unzipping on Chromebook

Extracting an archive (Unzipping) - Chromebook


A zipped file is just a folder, or collection of files that have been ‘squeezed’ into one file for ease of transfer or transporting digitally from one place to another.


So how do I access the useable and printable pages then?

We need to ensure that we extract the folder before accessing the printable data otherwise we may find it impossible to open or print.

The zipped, (or compressed), file can be identified easily by the zip icon down the folder icon.

Click on the folder icon so that the zipped folder icon changed to a ‘tick’ instead, indicating you have selected the folder.

1 – Click on the three dots at the top right-hand corner of the folder and from the resulting drop menu:

2 – Select the ‘Extract all’ option

Getting Crafty with the files

Once the unzipped folder appears, it’s time to get to the goodies inside.

 One thing you will notice is that the initial folder contains some extra inaccessible files: 2 titles ‘autorun’ and 2 titles ‘lua’.

These are only included in the download for Windows PC users only. Chromebook cannot run this interface, and it is much easier, and less cumbersome to only keep the physical files you need for printing themselves.

OK so firstly open the ‘Autoplay’ folder:

Again, there are some folders and files we don’t need here; their only purpose is to fulfil the requirements of Windows PC’s, we are only interested in the ‘Docs’ folder.

Click the folder icon so that the file becomes ‘ticked’, and then click the three dots at the top right of the window.

From the resulting drop menu select the ‘Rename’ option, then type the name of the kit you have downloaded.

This will rename this folder, which is the only folder we need to keep for printing our papers.

Move this newly renamed folder to ‘My files’, or anywhere you find it convenient to find, such as a USB.

Given the redundancy of the rest of the folder, and the probability you will need the space, it may be prudent to delete the rest of the folder you have downloaded. Remember you may, as part of copyright, decide to save a copy of your folder, or indeed the originally downloaded zip itself on an external drive as a back-up copy for yourself, in case of accidental deletion or crash of device. 

WooHoo it’s time to get crafty?

All you need do now is click on your desired papers, and they will open in your default Portable Document Format (pdf) reader and print as you normally would.